Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I'm now at Tawau Airport, waiting like a mad women..LOL
Seriously, can't wait to fly~fly~fly~~~~~~~~

Come fly with me, lets fly and fly awayyyy

So, next plan.
Going out with my fiance.
Outing with the siblings, cousins, my niece Amber, Bebei..
Ah alot!!

It's probably my 2nd last trip, NO. Might be my last trip- back to KK.
Bad news huh?
Good news? I earn more lah.
But sodih hatiku tau.
Christmas pun belum tentu dapat balik KK
Kawanku ada ura-ura mau berhenti kerja.
Jadi aku terkapai-kapai lah nanti.
Yang satu pun celebrate Christmas, if dia replace the other colleague.
Jatuh jantungku!


Mas Light said...

Happy thoughts happy thoughts ;)

mArMaLaDe said...

yeah! :D